Sabado, Abril 9, 2011

You're the fastest person on earth if you're competing to no one :P

You always thought that you're "the best" not until you met someone who is better than you. I bet all of us already experienced that. But it is not something that we should be sad of, because for sure, someone also thought that he's the best not until he met you.

Life goes that way. Something is taken from you but something is given to you in return. However, most of us is still discouraged by the fact that someone will always be better in all aspects - that we are not good enough. That's true. We will never be good enough because human capacity is greater than we expected.

I play keyboards for less than 2 years including abruptions, and I can say that I can play well. But whenever I see other people play, I am like a toddler playing keys. So I became intimidated. I expected a lot from myself. I expected myself to be like those professionals. The result is depression. Depression comes when we try to expect a lot from ourselves.

There's a line in the film _00-pound Beauty that I like. It says that God is the only One who can do all things, we people only do what we're capable of. Playing keyboards is a talent that only interested me when I was 15, although we had piano lessons in our music class in Gr. 6. I never expected myself to really like. Therefore, I am not one of those who had taken up lessons since they were a child, yet I expect myself to be like them. So to save myself from depression, I expected less from myself and seeked what I really enjoy in playing keyboards-singing and chord playing. I cannot read notes simultaneously while playing keys although I know how to read them; I still have to write the notes. But I'm very fine and happy with it. Those people who can really play piano (like they've got hundreds of fingers) inspire me. I am not envious of them anymore because I have my own edge.They push me to do better.  Also, I am planning to play in Church choir but that requires a lot of practice. Wish me luck! :)

So, just like what I did, I suggest you look for the things you really enjoy, not because being envious drives you to do that. Do what you're capable of. You may try things, but if you think it's not really for you, leave it. It'll make you disappointed. Let other people do their thing, do yours. =)

I said in my previous blog (Three Idiots...) that life is not a race. However, a bit of competition should not harm. Summer has come and you will not see your classmates (unless you're in summer classes). It's time to relax and do whatever you want. You are the master of your time. Less interaction mildens competition, and therefore you think that whatever you do is good enough. But when classes return, competition will again ignite. Your skills will be challenged again. For example, me writing a blog during vacation does not make me better than my classmates, because I can't compare. They still might be better and more creative than me in writing. Got it? But I would like to be aware about it in order to improve. Therefore, competition should help us to be better.

The person who thinks that she is the fastest might be the slowest, but she doesn't know. And I guess most of us don't want to know that. Why? Because of fear and cowardness. We do not want to admit that we are losers. But those people who do not want to admit they are losers are the cowards because the tendency is for them is to stop improving, to stop competing. When a person thinks he is the best (which is not), he does not acknowlegde other people's abilities anymore.
However, although life is a competition, it should not be in the sense that we should be better than others, rather it should lead towards improvement. Actually, the person you should be competing to is yourself. While other people should be your basis on how much did you improve.

I just watched the film Coach Carter and one of the characters said:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Until now, I do not want to acknowledge myself to the things that I do good because I don't want other people to get insecure. (Haha!) I do not want to be boastful, yet I allow other people to keep boasting whatever. There's really nothing to boast! Who are we to boast?! But there's nothing bad in being proud of what we are capable of and what we've done. If you're going to tell about them to you're friends they should be proud of you. At the same time, you should also be proud of their accomplishments. Keeping achievements/talents/skills to yourself doesn't make you any good. It makes you a turtle hiding inside its shell. Believe in yourself and shine!

Knowing the things you can do and cannot helps you do better. If you can't do something, let other people who's capable do it. You have to admit that you cannot do everything no matter how hard you try. However, you just make sure that you will not eat your words. Be sure you can really do what you say. :)

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